LAW 5...Day 5
Law of Addition
"If you desire to add value by serving others, you will become a better leader. And your people will achieve more, develop more loyalty and have a better time getting things done than you ever thought possible".
I did say confidently in accordance with the author that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. The author made this obvious when he advised that, "when you add value to people, you lift them up, help them advance, make them a part of something bigger than themselves and assist them becoming who they were made to be".
Leadership is influence but it starts with service as he pointed out, the top position isn't the best place for leaders but the place the leader can serve the best and add the most value to other people.
The author denounces the general mindset of seeing leadership as a position to be sought after. This is what he has to say about it; "Many people view leadership the same way they view success, hoping to go as far as they can, to climb the ladder, to achieve the highest position possible for their talent but contrary to conventional thinking, I believe the bottom line in leadership isn't how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others. That is achieved by serving others and adding values to their lives".
He stated and explained four guidelines to buttress his belief of the practice of adding value. They are as follows;
We add value when we truly value others.
When we make ourselves more valuable.
When we know and relate to what others value.
When we do what God values.
In essence, this law shows us the strength derived just from intentionally adding positive values to people. Like Albert Einstein was quoted, "only a life lived in the service of others is worth living".
1. Conduct a check on yourself and be truthful to yourself.
2. Know your temperament and begin to be concious of serving others. Fake it until it becomes part of you.
3. Read 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell...Law 3.
Let's keep SHIINE'ing'
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